Kurt Kramer is a General Engineering Contractor in Northern California. KK Enterprises specializes in complete site work packages, such as land clearing, driveway & parking, foundation, septic installation / sewer connection, well or public water supply connection and site grading. We supply; fill, stone, gravel, and sand, for roadway, commercial and industrial site work, and utility construction. We also complete septic repairs and install new septic leach fields as needed.
We are located in Volcano, California, Amador County and are available for Commercial and Residential projects. We offer construction services within a 60 minute radius of our home office but will consider all projects within Amador County, Calaveras County and El Dorado County.
KK Enterprise's success is a direct result of offering excellent customer service and responding with a fair an accurate quote on a consistent basis. We will work both as a general contractor and as a Sub contractor on various types of projects and have for many years.
For a complete list of our services, click here.